Friday, December 14, 2007

Mkeangu ni moto kidogo

Today’s word is kidogo. Kidogo is a Swahili word that means “little”. RVA lingo incorporated a lot of Swahili, which is somewhat inevitable, seeing as we were quite literally surrounded by a Swahili speaking population. It doesn’t need much explanation or have a funny background, so here is an unrelated blog with the word kidogo thrown in for fun.

Last night I was determined to get enough sleep, so I somehow managed to make it to bed by 9:30. Today I am only kidogo tired. I’m not completely rested, but I am at least 50% better than yesterday. We’ll see how I do after lunch. I am terrible right after lunch. I start to nod off, then I look at my computer screen and see it is covered in e’s. So far no one has noticed me getting drowsy, or at least they have not mentioned it to me. It is kind of scary to think that I may have been caught snoozing. I hate being tired when I’m at work. What fills me with absolute frog-mouse terror is the idea of having a baby. I have no idea how I will survive when we have to wake up every 2 hours to feed a kidogo baby.

It will be interesting to see how we deal with children. You might think that since the woman has the necessary apparatus for baby feeding, I might be able to sleep the night away and let Jen deal with it by herself. However, I believe that I am the lighter sleeper. I’m not entirely sure how sound of a sleeper Jen is, so it’s possible she won’t even wake up in the middle of the night. I’ve heard of men who helped the baby to… “find its food” in the middle of the night, either to give their wives a chance to continue sleeping or possibly because they couldn’t manage to wake her up. We’ll have to see what we end up doing.

Whew… I made it though that without calling out any of those unmentionable womanly body parts by name. Good job Matt… You are now kidogo ready for… something that will probably happen which will require you to be at least partially ready when the time comes for you to do the thing that was aforementioned in this sentence structure, which is no longer the kidogo sentence I/you intended to write when we set out at the beginning of this paragraph, but at least I got to use my word twice in a single sentence.


Unknown said...

Is this not so kidogo post supposed to be a subtle (aka...kidogo) announcement or did you just use the baby concept as an example since babies are naturally kidogo? I am just a kidogo curios.

Matt said...

I like kids, it was a natural prgression of my chain of thought to wonder what will happen when we have them. It is not an announcement...........

Anonymous said...

So what is the word for VERY!!! Cause I am super sleepy today. As you know bro I have 3 kids...and Ill tell you three things...

1. It gets tough...the whole sleep gig. Especially when you try to keep gaming like me.
2. I used to be a light sleeper I sleep like a rock.
3. Dont try to pull the whole woman thing so you get up to take care of them...haha. I find myself still getting up a lot. I just have to be careful as to how cranky I get or I get in trouble with my wife. ;)

Ali said...

i like the thought of having kids! and cromer babies would be uber exciting!

ella peterson said...

hey matt! we need another lesson! miss your blogging...