Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner- Followup

Thanksgiving dinner went very well. I tried a couple brand new recipes, and they went over very well. My big experiment was a roasted duck. It turned out looking very nice, but I didn’t realize how little meat was on a duck. The taste was good as well, but I don’t think I’ll be cooking duck again. It was just too much work for not enough meat.

I also tried a new apple, cranberry, sausage stuffing. Everyone said that it was the best stuffing that they had ever had. I remember having it once before, but I’m not sure where. Possibly it was at an Xpedition event. Anyway, it was really good and I’m sure that I’ll be making it again soon.

1 comment:

Jennifer C. said...

It was a very good meal. My hubby is such a good cook!