Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why I love my wife

Jen loves it when I tell her why I love her. She likes to know what is unique and special about her that I treasure. Last night she did something for me that meant so much to me.

Most of you probably know that I am now working in a nursing home. I worked most of a double shift yesterday, which means that I was awake at 5am, at work by 6am, left at 2pm, got called to come back, and then worked from 4-10pm. There is no such thing as an easy or relaxed day where I work. There is always someone that needs changed, or fed, or cleaned, and I constantly run from one mess to the next. My feet and back were killing me by the time I was done. I knew that I was working this morning (at 6am again), so I rushed back home, showered, and jumped in bed by 10:45.

Jen was still up on her computer, but came to bed shortly after and played on her palm pilot for a while. Typically I am asleep long before she turns it off, but last night my mind was racing. I couldn't stop vividly remembering the noises and the smells that I was with all day long. I felt sick to my stomach, and decided then that I will avoid working doubles at all costs from this point on. I heard Jen turn off her game, and knew that I had been in bed for at least an hour without getting any closer to falling asleep. I this point I start to panick a little, knowing that I have only 5-6 hours of sleep, even if I could fall asleep now.

I told Jen how I was feeling, and she offered to read to me until I fell asleep. We have been reading a fantasy novel by Orson Scott Card called "Enchantment" out loud to each other. Her reading to me totally took my mind off of my day and allowed me to fall asleep. She read until I started snoring, and then, because she is Jen after all, she had to finish reading the section that we were on before she could stop.

I so appreciate her selflessness in taking care of me in that way. I love my wife.

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