Thursday, October 9, 2008


On Tuesday I prayed much more seriously and fervently than I normally do. I even fasted, which I have not done in years. I was bothered by the mediocrity in my life, and I was asking God to give me his passion in my life. I prayed about a lot of things, like my unsaved co-workers, but I also remember praying that God would shake up things in my life (only if He found it necessary of course - I don't really like trials in my life).

Apparently He found it necessary. On Wednesday morning at 9:30 or so, I was laid off from my company. This was the third round of layoffs, so it was not unexpected. In fact, there may be another round of cuts by the end of the year.

So, I am now looking for a job full-time. I don't know where this new path of my life will lead me, but I don't take it as a coincidence that I was laid off the morning after a day spent in serious prayer. My biggest concern now is that I will take the first "safe" job that comes along, ignoring the other plans that God may have for me. I am open to a change in my career, but I don't want to pursue something risky without His leading.

My wife brought up a good point yesterday. When God called Abraham, he did not call him to change his career (I don't know that there were many other careers open in that time period). Instead, Abraham was told to take his family and possessions and move to a new land. The important thing was that he was put in a situation where he had to trust that God would be sufficient.

I would appreciate your prayers that I keep God first in all of this. I have been reading from Isaiah in my devotions. Today I read chapter 12. It says "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." Wow, What a promise. It is so relieving to know that it is not me fighting the battle, but God.

Further in chapter 12 is says "...make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world." That is something else that I want to keep at the forefront of all of this. Since it is not me fighting the battle, I want to give the glory to God and make sure that his name is lifted high.


Jennifer C. said...

Love you, Sweetie.

And on a lighter note, I tagged you in a meme that is posted on my blog. Maybe it will keep you busy when you need a break from job searching? :-)

Katrina Custer said...

Wow, Matt, I just read that. I'll definitely be praying, and I think it's really cool, too, that it came after a day of praying and fasting. No way that's a coincidence. It'll be exciting to see where God leads.

Spring Lela Kane said...

Hey Matt- just want you to know I was super encouraged by your blog. I'm encouraged by your perspective in all of this and by your deisre to be faithful to God. I know God will provide for you two and I believe He does want to show you something in all this. If nothing else, You'll have more time to spend with Him, right? :) And that can NEVER be a bad thing!