Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why I write stories

I realized the other day that I didn’t really mention in my blog why I was writing stories. I told a few people face to face, so I just didn’t think about it. Basically, I’m writing stories because I feel like Allison does today… only I feel that way all the time. When someone asks me what is new, I can’t usually come up with much.

I’ve written stories before for fun, and Jen kept saying that I should write some more, so I decided to start a random story and see where it went. Now, writers are often asked where they get their characters and ideas from. My plots are often just a random train of thought. For instance when Jonathan Wyndham was buying his new fly minion, I randomly came up with the idea to have the fly genetically keyed to obey him. I don’t think that I have heard that particular concept before, although I might have. I just figured that if they were genetically mutating animals, they could probably genetically mutate them a little further without much effort.

The characters in my stories come from all of you. I just take people I know and imagine how they would act in my story. As I’m sure you all have guessed, the character of Rakthor is based loosely on Dustin. I won’t tell you who the overly dominating Sylvie is. You’ll have to just wonder which of you it is... Ok, I’m just kidding, I don’t base my characters on any of you.

Anyway, now you know why I’m writing stories. It’s just because I’m bored and don’t have anything else to blog about that is super interesting, and I like writing.


ella peterson said...

we thank you for your creativeness and your desire to share it.!

Allison said...

I'm glad you write stories, Matt. You're really good at it. You can add "your friends' pleasure" to your list of reasons why you write.